donderdag 18 juni 2015
IN MEMORIAM WALTER H. GRIFFIN 1962-1999 Walter Hughes Griffin passed into the Light on 9 September 1999 while on a business trip to Springfield, Ohio. The esoteric world will miss the labor of this indefatigable mystic, as he now continues his labors beyond the veil. I am relating his spiritual career so it may continue to inspire seekers in the same way that Walter was an inspiration in life to all who knew him. Walter was born at the Fall Equinox 21 September 1962 of African-American and French descent. He was a third generation mystic. His mother was a member of AMORC since 1969, and his grandfather was a mason, qabalist, and member of several mystic orders. Walter’s mother told me Walter began praying at age 4 and joined the junior Rosicrucians at age 10. He joined AMORC at age 18 and completed their 12 level system. He belonged to numerous esoteric and mystical organizations, in addition to AMORC, in which he held leadership positions both locally and nationally. He also was a member of The Martinist Order for greater than 10 years in which he also held leadership positions. When AMORC went through its troubles, Walter threw in his lot with The Confraternity of the Rose Cross (CR+C), the British Martinist Order (BMO), and the Order Militia Crucifera Evangelica (OMCE). He was a member of The Philosophers of Nature for more than 6 years, having served on the board and as board Treasurer. He also studied and worked with CIRCES, the International College of Esoteric Studies, BOTA, and OBOD. He joined the Fellowship of Isis (FOI) and founded an Iseum in Chicago called Sirius. He was ordained a priest in the FOI 22 May 1999 with a dedication to Nephthys and Anubis. Walter joined the SOL in 1996 and was working on Lesson 34 at the time of his death. One should not think that Walter Griffin was just a joiner of organizations, for he worked on everything he joined. Mysticism was his whole life, and his mundane job merely paid the bills. He performed 2 or 3 rituals or meditations every weekday and 3 to 5 on weekend days. He told me he had performed the LBRP over 2000 times. It seemed as if he knew everyone involved in his traditions and was an invaluable source of information on all things occult. Walter held a Bachelor of Science in Commerce (Accounting) and was a CPA. He worked for Navstar International as an Audit Manager. He is survived by his mother, Mildred H. Griffin, and a half-sister and a half-brother. He never married. He had never been sick or had any chest pains. And yet he died of a heart attack. He was away on business in Springfield, Ohio, when he felt ill and retired to his room. When he did not return to the gathering, his room was entered, and he was found kneeling, unconscious, at the bedside. It seems he died in prayer. His mother told me he had always said he would not live past age 40. A few weeks ago he told her that his wish was to be cremated if he predeceased her. His mother feels that this was his time, and said "You have to die of something, so this was what was chosen for Walter." He told me he had been incarnated to accomplish certain specific work, which he related to a path on the Tree, and was working as fast as he could to finish this in the time he had allotted. A Rosicrucian funeral was held on Thursday 16 September, and his body was cremated the following day according to his wishes. An FOI leader stated, " I've read in various Eastern traditions that this is the way that many Masters make their transitions, through the heart center with unique timing." Walter’s translation on 9-9-99 was so....numerological!" "Shatter the lamp, the Light remains."
Direction of Rosicrucian Research
PILGRIM WHY DOST THOU BLOG? A question that's asked both in a nice way and in a way which often means "what on earth possesses to you to write for no money and, probably, no readers?". I keep my 5 blogs as a personal Rosicrucian Notebook for three simple reasons. One: in order to defend the Rosicrucian Order AMORC against baseless and misleading accusations. Two: to preserve (the very long) Rosicrucian history as I see it for posterity. The accepted idea that it only originated 1604 - 1616 with the advent of the Manifestoes is simple not correct. This was merely the externalization of the Rose Cross, because the time was deemed auspicious. Three: to fight the misconception of many researchers, that the Rose Cross can be fully researched and explained just by means of the known documents. But when you're talking about a secret society, please don't expect to find it all in the newspaper or libraries. A clear distinction must be made between exoteric and esoteric history! Around 1995/1996 when I started internetting there was a small group of history fetishists scouring the web for information on the unsettling events of those days, one of them being Walter Griffin, all with big plans, creating blogs as some did, plans to write books. Some have been friends ever since where others turned out to be real internet trolls with their own (initially hidden anti AMORC feelings), fighting flame wars in groups like the legendary alt.amorc. One day Walter send me these below mentioned epic e-mails as part of our continuing discussions. It quite relates to my post in the ROSAECRUCIUS blog called: Dungeons & Dragons at Rosicrucian Park: Stewart Affair or Bernard Conspiracy!?
To: Fiatlvx email responce address From: "Griffin, Walter" Subject: Direction of Rosicrucian Research Date: Tue, 11 Jun 96 12:46:00 CST Thomas, I am not sure exactly how far you want to go in your Rosicrucian research especially as it relates to AMORC, meaning if you want it to end with AMORC. If not, you may consider looking into CIRCES. This Order was founded by Raymond Bernard after he left AMORC upon the death of Ralph Lewis. Bernard was at one time Grand Master of the French AMORC Grand Lodge and was on the Board of Trustees when he left AMORC. Things to consider besides the positions he held in AMORC before founding CIRCES are: 1) A book titled " A Secret Meeting in Rome" by Raymond Bernard, published in 1969 and sold by AMORC. Its presented as an allegory but with hindsite it is clear that he was talking about establishing CIRCES back in the 1960's. The reason this is also interesting is that the book would have been reviewed and approved by AMORC before they would have decided to sell it through their book store and should have known what it is predicting. Also, they still sell it. 2) When Raymond Bernard left AMORC to start CIRCES activities a large number of AMORC members left with him to join this new Order. As I understand, most of these were AMORC Hierarchy members. Meaning they had obtained the last degree of AMORC and had been in it a long time. 3) To dispute claims that this was simply a mass exodis out of AMORC upon the death of Ralph Lewis are the 12th degree monographs themselves. Aproximately 12 monographs are dedicated to presenting the history of the Templar Knights, stating that there was always a close relationship between that organization and the rosicrucians, that the Templar Order still existed and would become active again in the future. I mention all of this since you wanted to research AMORC. Although, CIRCES is in no way connected to AMORC and does not claim to be Rosicrucian, you should consider that its founder and a large number of its members, especially its inner orders, came directly from AMORC. Also, AMORC's monographs and a book that has been sold by them since the 1960's predict this Order. An intelectual investigation may conclude that Bernard simply manipulated members by using what was in the monographs to lead them away from AMORC, but then again it may lead to some other conclusion. I will add that I am not a current member of CIRCES. In L.V.X., Walter
To: Fiatlvx email responce address From: "Griffin, Walter" Subject: Direction of Rosicrucian Research Date: Tue, 11 Jun 96 12:46:00 CST Thomas, I am not sure exactly how far you want to go in your Rosicrucian research especially as it relates to AMORC, meaning if you want it to end with AMORC. If not, you may consider looking into CIRCES. This Order was founded by Raymond Bernard after he left AMORC upon the death of Ralph Lewis. Bernard was at one time Grand Master of the French AMORC Grand Lodge and was on the Board of Trustees when he left AMORC. Things to consider besides the positions he held in AMORC before founding CIRCES are: 1) A book titled " A Secret Meeting in Rome" by Raymond Bernard, published in 1969 and sold by AMORC. Its presented as an allegory but with hindsite it is clear that he was talking about establishing CIRCES back in the 1960's. The reason this is also interesting is that the book would have been reviewed and approved by AMORC before they would have decided to sell it through their book store and should have known what it is predicting. Also, they still sell it. 2) When Raymond Bernard left AMORC to start CIRCES activities a large number of AMORC members left with him to join this new Order. As I understand, most of these were AMORC Hierarchy members. Meaning they had obtained the last degree of AMORC and had been in it a long time. 3) To dispute claims that this was simply a mass exodis out of AMORC upon the death of Ralph Lewis are the 12th degree monographs themselves. Aproximately 12 monographs are dedicated to presenting the history of the Templar Knights, stating that there was always a close relationship between that organization and the rosicrucians, that the Templar Order still existed and would become active again in the future. I mention all of this since you wanted to research AMORC. Although, CIRCES is in no way connected to AMORC and does not claim to be Rosicrucian, you should consider that its founder and a large number of its members, especially its inner orders, came directly from AMORC. Also, AMORC's monographs and a book that has been sold by them since the 1960's predict this Order. An intelectual investigation may conclude that Bernard simply manipulated members by using what was in the monographs to lead them away from AMORC, but then again it may lead to some other conclusion. I will add that I am not a current member of CIRCES. In L.V.X., Walter
To: From: Ed Mahood Subject: Re: Direction of Rosicrucian Research Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 22:38:44 -0700 At 12:46 PM 6/11/96 CST, Walter wrote: I found your reference to CIRCES of interest, but would like to shift some of the emphases in your comment, if I may. >AMORC. If not, you may consider looking into CIRCES. This Order was >founded by Raymond Bernard after he left AMORC upon the death of Ralph >Lewis. Actually, the idea for CIRCES was the last in a number of formulations that developed while Lewis was alive; a 'pilot program' was begun in the late 60s, strictly Templar in flavor, with Lewis' consent, but it proved inviable so Bernard shut it down. Shortly before Lewis' transition, Bernard was going to have another go at it, this time is a slightly different form. Originally, membership was to be open only to those members of AMORC who had at least completed the Temple degree studies. AMORC's nature has traditionally been somewhat passive (home sanctum membership being the primary form; low levels of participation, in general, in affiliated body activities). CIRCES was to form an active pole, so to speak, to give a new avenue of expression to those who had 'learned something along the mystical path' and who desired to share this with others. Hence, the outer circle of CIRCES was directed to cultural and spiritual research as the name of the organization implied. In fact, even after Lewis died, the ties between AMORC and CIRCES were quite tight, Gary Stewart, Lewis' successor, publically announced as the first honorary president of CIRCES. >and was on the Board of Trustees when he left AMORC. Things to consider >besides the positions he held in AMORC before founding CIRCES are: > 1) A book titled " A Secret Meeting in Rome" by Raymond Bernard, > published in 1969 and sold by AMORC. Its presented as an allegory but > with hindsite it is clear that he was talking about establishing > CIRCES back in the 1960's. The reason this is also interesting is > that the book would have been reviewed and approved by AMORC > before they would have decided to sell it through their book > store and should have known what it is predicting. Also, they > still sell it. This work forms the third part of a tetrology which Bernard had written earlier. The two parts preceeding it are entitled "Strange Encounters" and "The Secret Houses of the Rose+Croix". The fourth part is entitled "The Invisible Empire." Each of these three other parts were translated into English in 1981 and distributed by the Francis Bacon Lodge in London. Of course, the original French version had been circulating for some time. All of this was with the full knowledge of the then Supreme See in San Jose. > 2) When Raymond Bernard left AMORC to start CIRCES activities a > large number of AMORC members left with him to join this new > Order. As I understand, most of these were AMORC Hierarchy > members. Meaning they had obtained the last degree of AMORC > and had been in it a long time. Bernard stepped down from his offical position on the board over a year before Lewis died, thereby making room for Gary Stewart on the Board. Bernard remained in an unofficial position as Advisor to the Imperator. When he left AMORC, it was on good terms. In fact, he would have actually been the most likely successor to Lewis, but he declined in favor of a younger successor, among other reasons. At first, no one left AMORC for CIRCES for membership in one or the other was not exclusionary. Although a large number of higher degree AMORCans were members of CIRCES, the gamut of members ran from members of other esoteric orders and societies to individuals who had no other prior esoteric affiliations. Entry into the inner orders of CIRCES was after a period of activity in the outer, exoteric circle of the organization. > 3) To dispute claims that this was simply a mass exodis out of > AMORC upon the death of Ralph Lewis are the 12th degree > monographs themselves. Aproximately 12 monographs are > dedicated to presenting the history of the Templar Knights, > stating that there was always a close relationship between > that organization and the rosicrucians, that the Templar > Order still existed and would become active again in the > future. Links with the Templars are exotic and attractive and circulate readily in esoteric circles. It should be remembered that in the late 80s there was a regular frenzy of Templar and Templar-related activities. Gaetan Delaforge published his "The Templar Tradition in the Age of Aquarius", a highly insightful and readable book that took an historical and spiritual look at the Templar phenomenon. Almost at the same time, Umberto Eco's "Faucalt's Pendulum" appeared which gave esoteric orders a bad rap in general, but took the Templars to task in particular. Besides CIRCES (whose first inner circle was Templar in nature), two European groups made themselves known at the same time; one of which became quite active in Canada, the US and Switzerland and recently made sensational headlines of the grizzly mass murder/suicides of the Order of the Solar Temple. Of course there has always been a Templar connection in Masonic circles and the appearance of "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" fueled this connection and speculation in this direction in particular. Robinson's "Born in Blood" appeared not much later which further solidified this link. What is more, even quasi-Masonic orders, such as the Martinists, make several references to the Templars. The local workings of the Martinists in Barbados (ICES) all take place under the auspices of the Order of the Grail, to emphasize this connection. >An intelectual investigation may conclude that Bernard simply >manipulated members by using what was in the monographs to lead >them away from AMORC, but then again it may lead to some other >conclusion. I will add that I am not a current member of CIRCES. I can see how you may have drawn this conclusion, but the door you wisely left open may be the more viable alternative. But, I'm not sure how far an intellectual investigation here will help. I am firmly convinced that Raymond Bernard did not manipulate anyone in regard to CIRCES, for it often seemed that AMORC was his first and deepest love. As I stated earlier, originally there was no problem belonging to both groups simultaneously. This was particularly important for the long-time AMORCans who did not want to (and simply would not) renounce their membership in AMROC. As great as many members' admiration was for Raymond Bernard, it would have been unthinkable for them to drop AMORC for Bernard, the person. A rift did occur, but it preceeded (and, in part, led up to) the devastating turmoil that shook AMORC when Gary Stewart was ousted. There were many stories circulating at that time of members of CIRCES losing their AMORC memberships because of their affiliations. Some of this started with Stewart, who did a 180-degree turn on CIRCES, but it noticeably increased in intensity when Bernard's son, Christian, took over as head of AMORC. I know for a fact that Raymond was quite disturbed by this. Much water has since flowed under the bridge: CIRCES in its exoteric/esoteric configuration was reorganized in France a few years ago. The only place that it retained this form was in the United States, but that has changed as well in the meantime. The French retreated soley into their Templar forms, but it would appear that the negative publicity generated, especially in the French-speaking world, by the demise of the OST, has driven them to be even lower key than they were. In the United States, I recently saw that they have changed as well and are now the Templar Research Institute, maintaining the flavor, but not necessarily the full form. Ed
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