A Special Message From Tibet by Frater Nicholas de Roerich, Legate
of the Great White Brotherhood
[From The Rosicrucian Digest July 1933]
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The latest communication from our beloved Frater Nicholas Roerich, dated at the monastery in the Himalayas May 7, 1933. It is directed to the Imperator, H. Spencer Lewis, and reads as follows:)
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"ESTEEMED friend and Frater: Your valuable letter of March 24 gave me much joy both because of its deeply significant contents, and because of the date on which it was written. It was dated the 24th of March, which is not only the time of the annual Rosicrucian New Year Celebration, but is our annual memorable day in Tibet in the Name of our High Protectors. I was also glad that my former message to you was read to the members at the New Year feast in the Supreme Lodge.
"In these days of Armageddon all servitors of Light should be closely united spreading widely beneficial sparks of the Brotherhood.
"Complying with your request it gives me great pleasure to send to you for your museum in San Jose eight very rare and sacred Tibetan objects from our most holy monastery, the sublime temple of the High Protectors of the Great White Brotherhood. The first of the eight packages now on their way to you contains four sacred images sent to you as blessings from the monastery and most holy temple. The second package contains a charm box from a temple in Little Tibet, Ladakh. The third package contains a sacred stone with the inscription, 'Aum Mani Padme Hum'. The fourth package contains a hand-engraved image on Tibetan paper of the Supreme Ruler of Shambrala, the blessed Rigden-Jalpo. The rare paper contains at the bottom of the engraving a special salutation and greeting from the Supreme Ruler. The fifth package contains one turquoise silver ring from the hand of one of the masters whose name and personality will be indicated on the ring. The sixth package contains a sacred, sacramental Tibetan ring with sacred scarlet stone, sent as a blessing from one of the great masters for the personal use of the Imperator for North America. The seventh package contains one of the sacred Tibetan temple beads. These are extremely rare and their mere intrinsic value places them very highly among jewelers, while, of course, their esoteric and mystic value because of their vibrations places them beyond any price.
"I am also enclosing another article for your Rosicrucian Digest entitled Rigor Mortis. Verily it is time to warn the Western world against the fears and so-called dangers of attempts to practice Black Magic. Truly the most ancient of all organizations of Light must be vigilant at their watchtowers. Please convey to all the Brothers and Sisters of the North American jurisdiction my hearty greetings, and accept for yourself my sincerest fraternal wishes.
In spirit with you,
Nicholas de Roerich.
Roerich’s connection with AMORC has been disputed by some.
Gary Stewart now Knight Commander of the Order of the Militia Crucifera Evangelica, claimed that Roerich was never AMORC member and that he did not sign his MCE card, which was offered to him by Harvey Spencer Lewis and countersigned by Ralph Lewis. Please note that I refer here to AMORC’s most inner organization the MCE (Militia Crucifera Evangelica) and not to Stewart’s OMCE created by him in 1990. Considering Roerich’s long friendship and association with Lewis this attitude does not seem to be very realistic to me.
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